Fond du Lac County
Silver (2019-2021)
Population: 102,000
Lead Applicant: Fond du Lac County Health Department
Recognized for abundant outdoor recreation opportunities on land and water, as the jurisdiction surrounds the foot of Lake Winnebago, Fond du Lac County is comprised of a growing diverse population and yet has a fairly-even rural/urban distribution. With a new slogan of “C’mon in, and stay a while” the Fond du Lac County area is respected as a welcoming and safe place to call home for families and businesses.
Multi-Unit Smoke-Free Housing
Living Smart Cancer Screening Event
Drug Free Communities of Fond du Lac County (DFC)
Destination Zero – Reducing Suicide in Fond du Lac County
Building Community Capacity through Health Coaching (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation) (Trauma-informed approaches to community building)
Fond du Lac Area YScreen Program
Well City Fond du Lac
Save a Smile Dental Program
Living Well FDL Coalition
Food Forest