The following resources are intended to support applicants and potential applicants:
Reviewers will use the following criteria to evaluate applications. Communities should also refer to these criteria to help determine which designation level they should apply for prior to submitting a letter of interest.
This guide includes information about eligibility, application requirements and details, and FAQs. It is a printable document for your community to use in planning meetings with application collaborators and stakeholders.
What Works for Health Strategies
To showcase accomplishments, applicants will be asked to identify which What Works for Health database strategies were adopted in their community work. Communities may also find this resource helpful in selecting evidence-informed programs and policies to improve community health. These instructions describe how to navigate the database.
Assessing and Improving Community Health in Wisconsin database
The University of Wisconsin's Population Health Institute has compiled community health assessments and improvement plans from hospitals and health departments across the state of Wisconsin into an online tool that highlights the health priorities and planned actions of communities across the state. Awareness of shared health priorities across the state and in local communities creates opportunities for shared learning and alignment of efforts.
Health Equity Training Modules
MATCH partnered with the Wisconsin Center for Public Health Education Training (WiCPHET) to develop three health equity 101 training modules. The modules include an introduction to health equity, health & power, and operationalizing health equity.
Other Recognition Opportunities
Award Program Crosswalk
Our colleagues at WI Active Together compiled this crosswalk comparison of various community recognition opportunities. This is a great resource if you are looking for other ways to recognize your community’s work.